CERT-Bund stößt erneut auf tausende verwundbare Exchange-Server
12.000 Exchange-Server in Deutschland sind angreifbar und öffentlich zugänglich. Trotz öffentlicher Ankündigungen sind einige Server nicht vollständig gepatcht.
12.000 Exchange-Server in Deutschland sind angreifbar und öffentlich zugänglich. Trotz öffentlicher Ankündigungen sind einige Server nicht vollständig gepatcht.
nterne Reply-Chain-Angriffe zielen auf Microsoft Exchange-Server ab und nutzen Schwachstellen wie die ProxyShell- und ProxyLogon-Schwachstellen, um bösartige E-Mails zu versenden.
How can a company manage the potential risks of cybersecurity exposure? This is a question many companies are asking themselves as their budgets continue to shrink due to the economic downturn.
It's undeniable that IT security is a hotly debated topic. After all, it's about protecting company and business assets from things like hackers, SPAM, phishing, etc. Every 5 seconds a new virus is created to steal confidential information and funds from companies.
Started as an attack by Chinese hackers under the name Hafnium, it is developing into an international threat risk for Microsoft Exchange users. After Microsoft published the attack pattern, the number of attackers exploded. In addition to American companies and government agencies, Europe is also coming into the hackers' focus.